Sweet Jenny

Cultivar Information

Flower type = Female
Berry color = Bronze
Year introduced = 1986
Variety protection = Patent expired


'Sweet Jenny' was released by Ison's Nursery in 1986. Plant patent #7265, July 10, 1990. The listed pedigree is 11-2-2 x 12-12-1.


'Sweet Jenny' is a large sized high quality bronze grape from Ison's Nursery. Flavor and berry quality were very good. However, yields seemed to bounce back and forth from about 70% of a crop to only 30% of a crop. Because of these inconsistent yields, I do not recommend 'Sweet Jenny' for commercial vineyards.



Average Berry Quality in Tifton, GA Trials

Cultivar Berry weight (g) Berry diameter (mm) Soluble solids (%)
Sweet Jenny 16.2 29 15.2
Fry 12.7 27 15.3
Supreme 17.7 31 13.9

Cultivar Attributes in Tifton, GA Trials

Cultivar Vine vigor Leaf disease Berry rot % Full crop Harvest period Ripening % Dry scar
Sweet Jenny high slight Slight 50 % midseason even 30%
Fry medium slight slight 70% midseason even 30%
Supreme medium slight none 90% midseason uneven 60%