News Stories - Page 134

College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences students Chad Cain, Sam Bignault, Joshua Toran and Logan Waldrop pose in front of a cathedral in Malaga, Spain, during the Spain: Food Production, Culture and the Environment study abroad program in 2019. CAES News
Spain Study Abroad
Time abroad looks different for every student. Some are seasoned travelers looking to fuel their sense of adventure. For others, studying abroad is the first chance they’ve had to explore a new country.
D.W. Brooks Award of Excellence winners Marc van Iersel, Vincent J. Dooley Professor of Horticulture; Lori Purcell Bledsoe, Georgia 4-H program development coordinator for Northeast Georgia; and Alfredo Martinez-Espinoza, professor of plant pathology, are congratulated by CAES Dean and Director Sam Pardue. CAES News
D.W. Brooks Lecture
The students and faculty of the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences came together Nov. 12 to celebrate the progress that agriculture has made in the past 50 years and the promise of innovations to come.
UGA's College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences is part of a collaborative effort to develop a smartphone irrigation app for pecans. CAES News
Smart Irrigation App
The University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences is part of a collaborative effort to develop a smart irrigation application for pecan farmers on smartphone devices.
University of Georgia Regents' Professor Michael R. Strand has received one of the highest honors a scientist can receive — election to the National Academy of Sciences. CAES News
Pulliam Chair
Professor Michael Strand has dedicated his career to unlocking the power of basic science to improve agriculture, and that dedication has earned him the recognition of the state’s agricultural community.
Temperatures ranged from 3 to 7 degrees above normal across Georgia during October 2019. Despite the heat, above-average rainfall helped ease drought conditions across the state. CAES News
October Climate
October saw the easing of drought conditions across the state, but many producers reported that the months of dry conditions had already harmed their crops.
Ambrosia beetle activity is identifiable by the toothpick-sized sawdust tubes they leave sticking out of holes bored in pecan trees. CAES News
Ambrosia Beetles
Research entomologists in the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences are using three grants to study ambrosia beetles in an effort to prevent future attacks and preserve more fruit and nut trees.
The University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences is challenging its students — and students across the university — to become entrepreneurial groundbreakers through FABricate, a contest of student ideas to help feed the world. CAES News
FABricate 2020
Sometimes even the best ideas need a little help getting off the ground. The University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences FABricate entrepreneurship program was designed to do just that — empower students to turn their great ideas into working businesses.
Precision agriculture researcher and UGA Professor George Vellidis works with graduate student Anna Orfanou on checking the circuit board of a UGA Smart Sensor Array node. CAES News
Precision Agriculture
The University of Georgia was among the first academic institutions to delve into precision agriculture when it emerged in the mid-1990s. A quarter-century later, UGA is stepping up efforts to expand its faculty, curriculum, research and outreach to again become a leader in the field.
The University of Georgia has received a $14 million grant from the U.S. Agency of International Development to manage the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Peanut Research, known as the “Peanut Lab,” a global peanut research program that works to alleviate hunger by helping farmers in developing countries grow healthy crops. The agreement builds on UGA and USAID's long-standing partnership on global peanut research, which dates back to the 1980s. CAES News
Food Security Summit
For the past decade, demographers have predicted that the world would have to double its food supply by 2050 to feed the growing population.