News Stories - Page 175

Cotton growing at the Lang Farm on the UGA Tifton campus. CAES News
Production Costs
Economists from the University of Georgia’s College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences recommend that Georgia farmers understand their production costs before planting next year’s crops.
Francis Fluharty is the head of the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Department of Animal and Dairy Science. CAES News
Animal and Dairy Science Leader
Francis Fluharty joins the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences as the new department head of the Department of Animal and Dairy Science. His career has been devoted to assisting food animal producers through research and educational programs aimed at improving animal health and growth. Fluharty has also worked to improve profitability, as food animal agriculture must be economically-sustainable for farm families.
Peanuts growing at the Lang Farm on the UGA Tifton campus in 2017. CAES News
Georgia's Peanut Crop
Georgia’s dryland peanut crop excelled this year, while irrigated fields lacked in comparison to past years, said University of Georgia Cooperative Extension peanut agronomist Scott Monfort. The result is a crop estimated to average 4,400 pounds per acre.
Spring is right around the corner, and so are spring flowers, summer vegetables and all the gardening these seasons bring. CAES News
Shady Spots
For homeowners surrounded by shade, pollinator-friendly landscapes can seem unattainable, but they don’t have to be. Landscapes graced with trees and an abundance of shade can be great resources for pollinators, too.
Leslie Edgar is the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences department head for the Department of Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communication. CAES News
Leslie Edgar joins the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences as the new department head for the Department of Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communication.
The research team, led by University of Georgia's Steven Stice and Augusta University's Nasrul Hoda, created a treatment called "AB126" using extracellular vesicles (EV), fluid-filled structures known as exosomes, which are generated from human neural stem cells.  CAES News
CAES Recognition
The National Academy of Inventors (NAI) has named Steven Stice, Georgia Research Alliance Eminent Scholar and director of the UGA Regenerative Bioscience Center, to the 2017 class of NAI Fellows.
A conservation tillage system begins with a cover crop that's planted during the fallow times of the year, such as late fall and early winter when row crops have been harvested. Pictured is corn and rye residue, part of a conservation tillage system on Barry Martin's farm in Hawkinsville, Georgia. CAES News
UGA Ag Forecast
The Georgia Ag Forecast seminar series will be held Jan. 30 through Feb. 7 at six sites across the state. University of Georgia agricultural economists will present insights into the latest market and regulatory conditions for the state’s largest industry — agriculture.
A farmer plants onions using PlantTape technology. CAES News
PlantTape Technology
As Georgia Vidalia onion producers plant next year’s crop, they are transplanting the onions, or physically placing the plants into a hole dug in the ground. Farmers may soon be using a new method that literally rolls the plants into the soil.
Nan Bostick, Garrett Brown and David Sutherland are among the students graduating from the UGA Tifton campus this month. CAES News
Winter Graduation
The University of Georgia Tifton campus will recognize nine College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences graduates at a special ceremony slated for Saturday, Dec. 9. The ceremony will be held in the seminar room of the NESPAL building on the Tifton campus from 2-4 p.m.