Traveling for the holidays, especially when small children and in-laws are involved, can add stress to an already hectic time for some couples.
News Stories - Page 274

Don’t let traveling to visit family and friends during the holiday season interrupt your exercise routine. There are plenty of ways to stay active, even if you’re away from your usual gym, walking path or workout buddies.

University of Georgia researchers are researching drought-tolerant, alternative forages for the state’s dairy producers to help safeguard their feed supply and save money.

A new app, developed for smartphones and tablets by researchers and Extension personnel with University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, allows farmers and scouts to save time and money by finding and using the most effective treatments available for stink bugs.

Shoppers expect food from local farmers markets to be healthier and safer than comparable items in the grocery store. A group of Southern university scientists are training farmers and market managers to help make that assumption a reality.