News Stories - Page 307

Fit Families
It’s hard for adults to keep New Year’s resolutions to get in better shape after the holidays. It can be more complicated to help a child learn better nutrition and exercise habits.
UGA Extension offices distribute radon test kits. CAES News
Radon Awareness
January is National Radon Action Month (NRAM). Why is there a month dedicated to this gas? Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that is safe in outdoor conditions, but can lead to serious health effects if present indoors in large amounts.
Limited Gardening
Do you limit your gardening habits because of physical, time or space limitations? The up-coming Gardening with Limitations class in Putnam County will help you overcome these obstacles.
Pecans on the ground in an orchard on the University of Georgia Tifton campus. CAES News
Pecan Crop
The quality and quantity of Georgia’s 2013 pecan crop is in worse shape than originally feared.
Hancock recommends turnips or turnip hybrids like 'Appin' or 'Pasja' for use in Georgia. While there are brassicas bred specifically for pasture use, many cattle farmers have had luck incorporating traditional garden variety turnips, like 'Purpletop.' CAES News
Grazing Brassicas
Greens are on everyone’s menu these days: from braised turnip greens and collards to kale juice and Swiss chard slaw. So it may be no surprise that Georgia cattle farmers are even adding kale, turnips and other greens to their pastures to help reduce the amount of hay they have to feed their cows over the winter.
Banana Research
Greg Fonsah, a College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences economist, has created his own little corner of the tropics on the University of Georgia Tifton campus. Less than 100 yards away from his office, Fonsah walks through row after row of tall broad-leafed foliage. A quick smile is evident as he swings his machete to and fro, shearing away leaves and branches as he goes.
Jim and Barbara Andrews, center with red ribbons, helped to break ground on the Andrews Visitor and Education Center at the Coastal Georgia Botanical Gardens at the Historic Bamboo Farm in Savannah on Nov. 24, 2013. 
The center, which was funded with a gift from the Andrews, will serve as center of learning and social activity as the garden undergoes major renovations over the next several years. CAES News
Georgia Coastal Botanical Garden
For 100 years, a 50-acre, bamboo-studded tract of U.S. Highway 17 outside of Savannah has been attracting plant enthusiasts, scientists and day-trippers to the southeast corner of Georgia.
The right rake, shovel or trimmer will make your favorite gardener's work easier. CAES News
Gardeners Gift Guide 2013
Gardeners are easy to please. Give them a sunny afternoon in the garden and a wheelbarrow of good compost, and they are set. Unfortunately, their easy-to-please nature sometimes make them awfully hard to shop for at the holidays. While it’s impossible to gift wrap compost, University of Georgia Extension’s gardening community has a few good gift suggestions for green-thumbed Georgians.
Cotton is dumped into a trailer at the Gibbs Farm in Tifton on Wednesday, Oct. 30, 2013. CAES News
Cotton Defoliation
Georgia cotton farmers who were kept out of their fields by wet conditions are now waiting for their late planted crop to mature. University of Georgia cotton expert Guy Collins estimates 30 percent of the crop still needs to be harvested.