News Stories - Page 317

Woolly hackberry aphid CAES News
Woolly Aphids
An aphid pest that came to Georgia two decades ago has some homeowners seeing “snow” falling from their hackberry trees and cleaning sticky goo off their cars.
Tall fescue research plots on the University of Georgia campus in Griffin, Ga. CAES News
Tall Fescue Lawns
The most popular and most successful grass planted in the north Georgia is tall fescue, and September is the time to act if you want to plant a new fescue lawn.
The University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences and Georgia Southern University will host the 2013 International Agribusiness Conference and Expo on Sept. 25-26 in Savannah, Ga., and will provide participants with information on what markets are open to their products, how to export their goods and what exporting can do for their bottom lines CAES News
International Agribusiness Conference and Expo
Gov. Nathan Deal will address the importance of international trade to the economic well-being of the state at the inaugural International Agribusiness Conference and Expo on Wednesday, Sept. 25-26, at 3:30 p.m
Farmer Walter Driggers of Collins, Ga., displays a bunch of collard greens grown on his farm. CAES News
SSARE Grants Available
Georgia farmers and ranchers are invited to apply for the 2013 Producer Grants now available from the Southern Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SSARE) program.
Walk Georgia Logo/WG participant Andrea Gonzalez running in a 5K CAES News
Walk Georgia 2013
Georgians can walk, swim, bike or garden their way to a healthier lifestyle and learn about the state’s history through a University of Georgia Extension fitness program called Walk Georgia.
Wet weather and cloud cover kept Georgia cool through out Georgia, with some cities setting records for low daytime highs. CAES News
More Wet Weather
Georgia’s wet summer continued though out August in most parts of the state, and clouds and high humidity kept temperatures below normal for the month.
University of Georgia President Jere Morehead, left, and Terry England, chairman of the House of Representatives Appropriations Committee, examine some plants during their tour of the Lewis Taylor Farms in Tifton on Wednesday. CAES News
President Morehead Tour
University of Georgia President Jere Morehead assumed his presidential post on July 1. Long before, however, President Morehead expressed a desire to learn more about agriculture, the state’s No. 1 industry.
An unmanned aerial vehicle system is demonstrated at the Sunbelt Expo in Moultrie on Sept. 4. CAES News
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Unmanned aerial vehicles could soon be a soaring success for Georgia farmers.
Associate Dean for Academics Josef Broder stands with CAES Agricultural D.C. Fellows Valerie Noles, Rebecca Rykard, Heather Hatzenbuhler, William Moses and Lee Lister at the capital during summer 2013. CAES News
D.C. Fellows
With immigration reform, the farm bill and student loan negotiations making headlines this summer, the six University of Georgia students who spent the summer in Washington as College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences D.C. Ag Fellows were extremely busy.