News Stories - Page 354

Rows of cover crops being grown for research at UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences organic research and demonstration farm in Watkinsville. CAES News
Fall Cover Crops
Cover crops may be your secret weapon to a better harvest next spring. Any gardener who was disappointed in their corn, tomato or squash harvests this summer might want to start planning for next summer’s crop now by thinking about planting cover crops.
An August 30, 2012 map detailing the precipitation over Georgia since Aug. 22. CAES News
Hurricane Isaac
Forecasters initially projected that rains from Hurricane Isaac could erase or at least put a large dent in Georgia’s drought, but the state has seen little relief.
Mosquitoes feed on sugar water in Mark Brown's endocrinology lab on UGA's Athens campus. CAES News
West Nile virus outbreaks
West Nile virus usually peaks between Aug. 15 and Sep. 15 in Georgia, but this year doctors are seeing an earlier start. Entomologists and public health officials are worried that a near record number of Georgians will be sickened with West Nile virus this year.
Bidens growing at the Unversity of Georgia campus in Tifton as part of a SARE trail researching cover crops as beneficial companion plants. CAES News
Detering tomato spotted wilt virus
U.S. Department of Agriculture-sponsored research at the University of Georgia campus in Tifton is looking into the potential of using a cover crop system to improve soil and prevent tomato spotted wilt virus.
Fighting obesity.
Data released this week shows Georgia’s obesity rate is improving, but 28 percent of the state's citizens still weigh in as obese. Growing health problems and rising healthcare costs are straining both the physical and economic wellbeing of America.
A market stand selling greens at the downtown farmers market in Tifton, Ga. CAES News
Battling childhood obesity
Faculty from the University of Georgia College of Public Health have teamed with Extension faculty in the university’s College of Family and Consumer Sciences to battle childhood obesity in Colquitt County.
Beekeeper Jim Quick collects a hive of bees that have gathered on a gas pipe on the University of Georgia campus in Griffin, Ga. CAES News
Beekeeping 101
Jim Quick, who will teach a beekeeping workshop in Griffin Sept. 20, has been dabbling in beekeeping for the past 32 years.
2013 Ag Forecast
The University of Georgia Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development has announced the dates and locations of the 2013 Farm to Port Ag Forecast.
Lake sampling at Rock Eagle Lake CAES News
Stream walk
As the summer winds to a close, cool off and learn about the environment through a stream walk Saturday, Aug. 18 at the Rock Eagle 4-H Center in Eatonton, Ga.