News Stories - Page 370

A redbud tree (cercis spp.) blooms during springtime on the UGA Griffin Campus CAES News
Planting new additions
If you are planning to add to new plant material to your landscape, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension specialists recommend keeping a few things in mind before you dig your first shovel-full of dirt.
Beef cattle graze in a pasture at the University of Georgia Mountain Research and Education Center in Blairsville, Ga. CAES News
Beef cattle field day
Georgia cattle farmers, both large and small scale, will learn useful research-based information at the annual University of Georgia Mountain Beef Cattle Field Day April 18 in Blairsville, Ga.
Mosquito cage in Mark Brown's mosquito endocrinology lab on the UGA Athens campus. CAES News
'Skeeter' season
This year’s exceptionally warm winter and the early spring temperatures mean Georgians may be dealing with warm weather pests, like ticks and mosquitos, earlier this year.
U.S. currency and credit cards. CAES News
Free finance classes
Before starting a business, it’s essential that entrepreneurs have their personal finances in order, said University of Georgia consumer economics specialist Michael Rupured. He and other faculty in the UGA College of Family and Consumer Sciences will be offering workshops on personal finance throughout Georgia during the next several months
Henbit - weed often found in turfgrass lawns CAES News
Weed removal
The majority of weeds that are growing this time of year are called winter annual weeds. Weeds that are actively growing in lawns and pastures include henbit, chickweed, wild radish, buttercup, hop clover and catchweed bedstraw.
Aphids vs. wasps
Nature is a system of checks and balances, as is the case between aphids and wasps. Aphids feed on plants; wasps lay eggs inside aphids, killing them and increasing plant production. Some aphids harbor bacterial symbionts, or smaller organisms that live in close association with a host, that provide protection by killing the internally developing wasps. Wasps are able to decipher which aphids are infected and use superparasitism to override the poison.
Endless summer hydrangea CAES News
Changing bloom color
Often purchased as a gift plant, bigleaf hydrangea can be transplanted in landscapes and enjoyed year after year.
Martin houses CAES News
Martin houses
One of the neat things I remember enjoying about springtime back home was the sound of martins. My daddy’s martin gourds and houses were the envy of the neighborhood. I believe even the most pessimistic people could be cheered up by the joyful chirping of those birds.
Moisture booster
University of Georgia Cooperative Extension agent Frank Watson explains why adding mulch to new plant material is essential, especially during Georgia's drought conditions.