News Stories - Page 378

Beef cattle prices are high now and reached historic highs earlier this year. Facing drought and feed shortage, though, southeastern cattle producers still must make tough decisions when it comes to their financial bottom lines and keeping herds healthy. The Southeast Cattle Advisor website was developed by cattle experts with the University of Georgia, Auburn University, University of Florida and Clemson University to be a one-stop shop for cattle producers to get information on how to best manage their risk. CAES News
Southeast Cattle Advisor
Much like row-crop prices, beef cattle prices are high now and reached historic highs earlier this year. Facing drought and feed shortage, though, southeastern cattle producers still must make tough decisions when it comes to their financial bottom lines and keeping herds healthy.
Campfire at Rock Eagle 4-H Center near Eatonton, Ga. CAES News
Saturday at the Rock
Rock Eagle 4-H Center will present the last Saturday at the Rock session of the year on Nov. 19 with a night hike followed by a campfire complete with stories and songs.
Christmas may highlight the winter calendar for many Georgians - complete with lights, decorations and a tree - but it's not the only holiday celebrated this winter. CAES News
Live Christmas trees
Many families, mine included, select and decorate their Christmas tree on the weekend after Thanksgiving. Live Christmas trees have been brought into homes and decorated during the holiday season for more than 500 years. The attractiveness, fragrance and tradition of a live tree cannot be matched with artificial substitutes.
A toddler sits under a Christmas tree surrounded by presents CAES News
Smart holiday shopping
After the Thanksgiving turkey and pumpkin pie have been reduced to leftovers, football games are over, and the guests have headed home, the holiday shopping season officially begins. Serious shoppers sort through mountains of advertisements to plan for the big day. For many bargain hunters, holiday sales the day after Thanksgiving really get the adrenaline going.
Photo of cooked turkey on a dinner table. CAES News
Perfect turkey dinners
Holidays are the time for home-cooked turkeys. University of Georgia food experts offer advice on how to select and prepare a delicious and safe turkey.
A fried turkey is lifted from a pot of hot oil CAES News
Fried turkey
If past attempts at frying a turkey have left you with singed eyebrows and a burnt bird, don’t give up. By following guidelines from the University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Service, you can successfully deep-fry this season’s holiday bird.
Nature hikes are an excellent choice for group exercise CAES News
Creative exercise
Traveling to visit family and friends during the holiday season doesn’t have to take time away from exercise, says a University of Georgia nutrition expert.
Gifts cards can be ideal holiday gifts. CAES News
Giving gift cards
Gift cards make great gifts. They are convenient, easy to use and readily available online and in stores. However, to avoid giving a gift that keeps on taking, thoroughly read and understand the disclosures that come with the card.
Deep-space travel will require foods that contain such low levels of oxygen, they can be stored for years while retaining their quality. As it turns out, this is a valuable trait for food stored here on Earth as well. CAES News
Beyond Tang
With a grant from NASA, food scientists at the University of Georgia aim to create zero-oxygen storage foods for deep-space travel. They admit to still being a few years away from that goal, but they recently made great strides that will translate not only into improved foods for space but for Earth-bound grocery shelves, too.