Browse Human Development and Family Science Stories - Page 6

94 results found for Human Development and Family Science
Kisha Faulk tries her first roasted oyster while her coworker Barbara Worley looks on. The two women were among the participants in a recent Ocean to Table workshop designed to increase consumers' and UGA Extension agents' knowledge and awareness of Georgia seafood. CAES News
Ocean to Table
The brainchild of Chatham County Extension Family and Consumer Sciences Agent Jackie Ogden, the Ocean to Table workshop series is designed to increase consumers’ and UGA Extension agents’ knowledge and awareness of Georgia seafood.
University of Georgia Cooperative Extension experts say removing your shoes before going indoors can reduce the amount of pollen you track into your home. Other ways to reduce the amount of pollen indoors include wiping your pets' paws before allowing them to come inside and cleaning floors and surfaces often. CAES News
Indoor Pollen
Are your sinuses clogged? Do you feel like you are walking in a sea of yellow dust? Have you washed your car three times this week? Welcome to pollen season in Georgia.
Distracted driving is more than checking or sending text messages on your phone. It is any activity that diverts attention from driving, including talking on your phone, eating and drinking, talking to people in your vehicle, fiddling with the stereo, entertainment or navigation system or anything that takes your attention away from the task of safe driving. CAES News
Distracted Driving
Taking your eyes off the road for five seconds at 55 miles per hour is like driving the length of a football field with your eyes closed, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Startling, but most of us have glanced at the GPS, grabbed our phone, reprimanded a child or even had a heated conversation, all while driving.  
The UGA College of Family and Consumer Sciences will celebrate its 100 year anniversary in 2018.  
Alumni Director Alexis Morgan poses with a banner timeline celebrating the centennial. CAES News
FACS Centennial
In the aftermath of World War I, with a nationwide food shortage raging, the doors of the University of Georgia were opened to women. Ultimately, the demand for technically trained female teachers and home demonstration agents dissolved the resistance to women enrolling at UGA.
As a result of a roof leak, mold grows on the ceiling of a home. CAES News
Fight Mold
Hurricane Irma had slowed down by the time she reached Georgia, reducing the amount of expected structural damage to homes, but flood waters may have left behind a sneaky and dangerous after-effect: mold.
When it comes to staying hydrated, water remains the best choice. University of Georgia Cooperative Extension experts say electrolyte replacement drinks are usually only needed if you participate in intense, strenuous activity for more than 90 minutes. CAES News
Drink Water
Did you know that a 10-percent weight loss due to dehydration can make you disoriented and weak and can cause a potential heat stroke? As the hot Georgia summer continues and fall sports and activities begin, it is essential that you stay hydrated. UGA Extension experts say water is still the best choice for doing so.
Technology gifts are on the top of many Christmas lists. If your child received one this holiday, University of Georgia Extension specialists say to review the apps on the device and police any new ones downloaded to the device to ensure that they are appropriate for children. CAES News
Screen Time
Babysitters are no strangers to learning nap time, homework time and meal time quirks. As children gain more access to technology, parents should also share their screen time expectations with babysitters.
More than 160,000 children nationwide miss school every day out of fear of being bullied, according to the National Education Association. CAES News
Teenagers spend a lot of time online. Social media activity carries clout among teens, and can empower cyberbullies, which is why parents should be prepared to help their children cope with social pressures online.
University of Georgia Extension experts say that you should wash your hands for 20 seconds with warm soap and water to effectively clean them. Hand sanitizer is not a replacement for hand-washing. Sanitizer can be used in the event that soap and water are not available, but soap and water are always the best choice for hand-washing. CAES News
Wash Your Paws
For many children, heading back to school in the fall often means heading back to the world of sniffles, sneezes and coughs. When hundreds of students come together in the same building for the start of the school year, germs and viruses will be around, but that doesn’t mean families need to resign themselves to staying sick.
Just like their bodies, teenagers' brains are also still under construction and not fully developed. University of Georgia Cooperative Extension family specialists say this phase is a challenging time for teens and sometimes the entire family. Parents must continue to assist teenage "children" as they transition into adulthood. CAES News
Teenage Brains
Think back to your teenage years. Did you feel awkward, especially given the changes with your body and emotions? Today’s teens are no different. They are quiet, forgetful and sometimes even surly. They consume large amounts of food and sleep all the time. If I sound like I know them well, I do. I have two teenagers in my home and I have to remind myself daily that they are not little adults. They are experiencing monumental changes that affect their interactions.