Browse Human Development and Family Science Stories - Page 9

94 results found for Human Development and Family Science
To help reduce stress over the holidays, University of Georgia Extension experts say make lists and stick to them, just like these wise youngsters. Make lists of what to buy and where to buy those items and create a list of everything that needs to be done. Then attach a schedule for the coming weeks to break large tasks into smaller ones. CAES News
Reducing Stress
There’s a huge buildup to the winter holidays. With so much happening, we have little time left to take care of ourselves, and physical and emotional resources may become depleted. Some stress can provide motivation to be productive, but too much stress can be detrimental to health and enjoyment of the season. To make this holiday less stressful and more enjoyable, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension offers the following tips.
Insecticide-resistant head lice have been found in 37 states including Georgia, but there is no reason to panic. CAES News
"Super" Lice
As if starting the new school year wasn’t stressful enough, a recent study found that Georgia is now home to insecticide-resistant head lice.
Race and Ethnicity
Never far from the surface, race relations have dominated headlines in recent months. News stories about protests in Ferguson and Baltimore, the Confederate battle flag and the shootings in Charleston, South Carolina, can cause children to ask questions that parents might not be ready to answer. However difficult or awkward these questions are, they are a starting point for important conversations about race.
The Walk Georgia logo was introduced in 2014. CAES News
Cloudland Canyon
University of Georgia Cooperative Extension’s Walk Georgia program invites Georgians to “move more and live more” at Walker and Dade counties' Cloudland Canyon State Park on from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, July 25.
The Walk Georgia logo was introduced in 2014. CAES News
Walk Georgia
There’s no better way to shake off those mid-winter blues than to get outside and get moving, and University of Georgia Extension has just the thing to help motivate Georgians to get active and ready for spring.
As a result of a roof leak, mold grows on the ceiling of a home. CAES News
Mold and Mildew
Mildew and musty odors sometimes develop during periods of damp weather. Controlling them can be as easy as buying a dehumidifier or placing a moisture barrier under the home.
State Farm donates funds to University of Extension's teen driving training program - P.R.I.D.E. CAES News
Driving program support
State Farm Insurance Company has donated $10,000 to the University of Georgia College of Family and Consumer Sciences in support of the Georgia Traffic Injury Prevention Institute.
Revised Walk Georgia Logo 2014 CAES News
Revamped Walk Georgia
Are you willing to help combat obesity in Georgia? University of Georgia Extension needs interested Georgians to test the new Walk Georgia website by registering for the program and logging physical activity online.
Middle School Matters
Compare those three rules for success with what you know about most tweens entering puberty: they push back against rules, they enjoy nonconformity and they rebel against authority. It’s no wonder that the middle school years are a struggle for many tweens.
By taking kids to the grocery store and encouraging them to help in meal planning, shopping and food preparation, they can learn positive eating habits and become empowered to try new foods and make smarter food choices. CAES News
Healthy Weights
Everyone has a goal weight that they feel is right for them, but what is a healthy weight? It is the weight you and your child achieve when you eat moderate portions of healthy food and are physically active most days of the week.