News Stories - Page 164

Blueberries growing on the Alapaha farm in Alapaha, Georgia in this file photo. CAES News
Blueberry Crop
An early spring freeze cost Georgia’s blueberry farmers as much as 60 percent of their crop this season, according to Renee Allen, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension agent for commercial blueberry production.
University of Georgia Distinguished Research Professor Casimir Akoh CAES News
Public Health Award
University of Georgia Distinguished Research Professor Casimir Akoh recently accepted the Institute of Food Technologists’ (IFT) research award. The award recognizes an improvement in public health.
Georgia farmers will soon be harvesting their cotton crop. It's important for cotton producers to know when to defoliate to speed up the crop's maturity process. CAES News
NIFA Grants
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) awarded University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES) plant breeders almost $1 million in grants this fiscal year to produce improved cotton and peanut varieties.
Cantaloupes being grown at UGA-Tifton. CAES News
University of Georgia scientists are assisting in a study to find a cantaloupe variety with less netting on the rind in the hopes that the fruit will be less susceptible to the bacteria or pathogens that settle in the netting on the outside of the fruit.
Bhabesh Dutta teaches Extension agents in the field. CAES News
Dutta Honored
Bhabesh Dutta, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension vegetable plant pathologist, has been named to the first class of Fruit + Vegetable 40 Under 40 Award winners.
Eating Insects Athens, held by the North American Coalition for Insect Agriculture, will draw hundreds of insect agriculture and insect gastronomy advocates to Athens from Aug. 13 to 15. CAES News
Eating Insects Athens
Athens, Georgia’s growing reputation as a gastronomic capital attracts culinary tourists from all over the Southeast. This summer, the city will welcome a new type of culinary enthusiasm. They won’t be after barbecue or biscuits. They’ll be here for the bugs. 
Greenhouse and nursery growers from across the southeastern United States converged in Athens June 12-15 for the inaugural Academy of Crop Production hosted by the UGA Department of Horticulture. Part of the program included the annual Industry Open House at the Trial Gardens at UGA. CAES News
Trial Gardens Open House
Flowers are blooming, bees are buzzing, and workers and volunteers are pruning, watering and collecting data on annuals and perennials at the Trial Gardens at the University of Georgia. Trial Gardens staff will open the facility to the public at their annual open house on Saturday, July 21, from 8 a.m. until noon. 
Live from the Lab CAES News
Live from the Lab
This fall the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences is opening the labs of some its most distinguished researchers to students and science fans across the state. 
University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences alumnus Matt Coley was named to the UGA Alumni Association's 40 Under 40 Class of 2018. CAES News
40 Under 40
Leading agricultural businessman Matt Coley and Georgia Sen. Tyler Harper embody the Ag Dawg spirit, commitment and determination. The University of Georgia Alumni Association recognized both men as leaders Monday when it named them to its 40 Under 40 Class of 2018.