News Stories - Page 237

Flavor of Georgia logo CAES News
Flavor of Georgia 2016
Whether it’s a specialty sweet treat, small-batch pork sausage or pimento cheese made from Grandma’s secret recipe, the University of Georgia’s Flavor of Georgia Food Product Contest shines the spotlight on the state’s craft foods. Registration for the 2016 Flavor of Georgia contest, which is conducted each year by the UGA Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development, is now open.
D.W. Brooks Lecture 2015
The key to feeding the world’s growing population this century will be to empower the 2.5 billion people, worldwide, who depend on small farms for their food and livelihood. That answer comes from Sanjaya Rajaram, winner of the 2014 World Food Prize, who spoke to University of Georgia community members gathered at the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences' annual D.W. Brooks Lecture on Nov. 10.
Walter Ondicho Moturi, Emmanuellah Lekete, Marina Aferiba Tandoh and Yamin Kabir are studying in the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences and College of Family and Consumer Sciences as part of the Borlaug Higher Education for Agricultural Research and Development fellowship program. CAES News
BHEARD Fellows
Norman Borlaug,1970 Nobel Peace Prize laureate and one of the leaders the Green Revolution dedicated his career to help ending food scarcity around the world. This fall four agricultural scientists from Africa and Asia are taking up that mantle and continuing his work as part of the Borlaug Higher Education for Agricultural Research and Development (BHEARD) Program at the University of Georgia.
Mushrooms typically pop up after a period of rainfall. University of Georgia plant pathologists say identifying the ones that are edible is hard, even for trained experts. Eating a poisonous mushrooms can lead to intestinal discomfort, cause damage to vital organs and even lead to death. CAES News
Toxic Mushrooms
To give an accurate identification of a mushroom, University of Georgia plant pathologist Jean Williams-Woodward needs to examine a sample in her laboratory. Identifying mushrooms is not an easy task, and incorrectly identifying one can lead to deadly results.
There were almost 800,000 acres of peanuts grown in Georgia in 2015. CAES News
Irrigation In Peanuts
Georgia peanut farmers can’t control rainfall or the recent deluge the state received over the last week. They can, however, control how much water they apply to their crops through irrigation. A University of Georgia researcher believes applying too much water to peanuts can invite diseases and reduce yields.
UGA food scientist Marilyn Erickson works in her laboratory in the UGA Center for Food Safety in Griffin, Georgia. CAES News
In a recent study funded by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, University of Georgia researchers found that produce containing bacteria are likely to contaminate other produce items through the continued use of knives or graters — the bacteria latches onto the utensils commonly found in consumers’ homes and spreads to the next item.
The Walk Georgia logo was introduced in 2014. CAES News
Walk Georgia 5K
University of Georgia Cooperative Extension’s Walk Georgia program will host a Fall 5k and Family Fun Day on November 14 in partnership with Elijah Clark State Park, located about 30 miles northwest of Augusta on Clarks Hill Lake near Lincolnton.
Rock Eagle 4-H Center logo CAES News
Rock Eagle Hike
Who was responsible for creating the Rock Eagle? What is the meaning behind its shape? When was it built and why? Join the staff at Rock Eagle 4-H Center on Nov. 21 for a chance to explore the mysteries of the mound. Learn about the history of the effigy and Rock Eagle 4-H Center.
Matthew Chappell (front) traveled to Spain with several U.S. colleagues to learn the “eFoodPrint” software. (L-R) are Andrew Ristvey, John Lea-Cox, and Bruk Belema, all from the University of Maryland, and Tom Fernandez, from Michigan State University. CAES News
Faculty Travel Grants
Projects ranging from research to control downy mildew on grapes in the Southeastern United States to developing software for U.S.-based specialty crops that may ultimately lead to enhancements in the use of precision irrigation were among the focus of the 11 UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Science faculty members who received grants from the Faculty International Travel Funding Program last spring from the Office of Global Programs for summer travel.