News Stories - Page 281

A research plot of hairy vetch grows at the University of Georgia Central Research and Education Center in Eatonton, Ga. Hairy Vetch is a winter legume that can be used as a cover crop. It tolerates a wide variety of soils, but UGA Extension specialist Julia Gaskin says "in Georgia, if you plant it, you are going to have it for life.” CAES News
Fall Covers Crops
Home gardeners who plan to give their garden spot a rest this fall can plant seeds now to help next summer’s garden. A University of Georgia expert says planting a cover crop during this fall will add precious soil organic matter and nutrients that will benefit garden soil later.
Collard greens grow in a garden in Butts Co., Ga. CAES News
Fall Vegetables
As summer vegetables like corn and beans stop bearing, home gardeners can plant fall gardens filled with cool-season vegetables.
Garden soil CAES News
Fall Garden Soil
Fall flowers and vegetables only live a season, but they can benefit greatly from amended soil. Gardeners who take the time to amend their soil will be rewarded with a bountiful fall vegetable harvest and more blooms on their pansies and other fall annual flowers.
Wasp eggs travel on a hornworm that has been parasitized by the wasp and is now used as a host for the wasp's eggs. This is an example of a beneficial insect, the wasp, being used to control a tomato pest in a vegetable garden. CAES News
IPM Workshop
A workshop for small-scale vegetable farmers and home gardeners interested in using integrated pest management techniques is set for Friday, Sept. 19 on the University of Georgia campus in Griffin.
August Weather
Most areas of Georgia received well below normal rainfall in August, leading to expansion of dry conditions and the appearance of severe drought in southern Georgia by the end of the month. Wet conditions were confined to the Atlanta metro area, regions to the northwest and a small part of northern Pierce County. Temperatures were near normal across the state.
UGA President Jere Morehead meets with Ben Evans, manager of Coffee County Cotton Gin in Douglas on Wednesday, Sept. 3, 2014. CAES News
Presidential Visit
University of Georgia President Jere Morehead is making the state’s No. 1 industry a top priority.
Jackson Co. 4-H Archery Team 2014 CAES News
Archery Champs
Georgia 4-H’ers from Jackson County hit the mark and brought home a national title in the junior division at the 4-H Buckmaster’s Invitational held Aug. 14-17 in Montgomery, Ala.
University of Georgia entomologist Paul Guillebeau teaches children male bees don't sting by placing one in his mouth at a past Insect-ival event. This year's Insect-ival is set for Sept. 13 at the State Botanical Gardens in Athens. UGA entomology club members and faculty from the entomology department will offer exhibits at the event. CAES News
The State Botanical Garden of Georgia at the University of Georgia will host the 22nd annual Insect-ival! Family Festival on Sept. 13 from 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. in the Visitor Center and Conservatory at the garden in Athens.
Fall armyworm on a blade of grass CAES News
Fall Armyworms
Eighty-one-year-old James Cobb finds mowing, raking and baling hay relaxing. Finding his fields infested with tiny armyworms has the opposite effect.