News Stories - Page 391

Child's insulated lunchbox being opened for lunch. August 2008. CAES News
Lunchbox Safety
Packing a child’s lunch for school may not always be the easiest job. There is a lot to consider to achieve the perfect balance between healthy and inexpensive foods for a picky eater. One thing that doesn’t have to be a challenge is keeping your child safe from foodborne illnesses.
Lice shampoo, combs CAES News
Lice Treatment
Drop the chemicals and grab the metal comb: A little elbow grease is the best way to get rid of head lice, says University of Georgia insect expert Paul Guillebeau.
Mitchell County farmer Kyle Pollock, left, and Mitchell County UGA Cooperative Extension agent Rad Yager, right, look over one of Pollock's cotton fields wiped out by the extreme drought that has covered the area for more than two months. CAES News
No rain
The cotton seedling tried. But after sending its root more than five inches deep into the parched dirt, searching for moisture, it gave up and died.
Slime mold on turfgrass CAES News
Slimy lawns
A few homeowners have recently asked me about gray powdery stuff showing up in small areas of their lawns. This slime mold on turf looks like burnt wood ashes that have been scattered in small spots on a lawn.
Canning green beans. Beans in Jars waiting to be placed in a pressure canner. May 2008. CAES News
Taste and price top the list when it comes to food.
Whether for health reasons or financial ones, more families are growing and preserving their own food, said a University of Georgia expert. And consumers are using price to determine which foods they bring home from the market.
Everything on the website, Daily Food Plan, Food Tracker, Food Planner, etc., as well as all MyPyramid materials, such as the MyPyramid for Pregnancy and Breastfeeding, etc.) was developed by a team of nutritionists, dietitians, economists, and policy experts at USDA, based on expert nutrition recommendations for Americans 2 years and older from the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. CAES News
Dietary guidelines
To get Americans to eat healthier, the U.S. Department of Agriculture wants them to think about their dinner plates -- literally.
Georgia 4-H'er Mary Allison Lathem combined her love for performing with helping children and formed a community performing arts club for at-risk youths visiting the Washington Street Community Center. CAES News
4-H'ers give back to their communities
According to a study by Tufts University, 4-H’ers are three times more likely to contribute to their communities than youths not participating in 4-H.
Beef cattle graze on a pasture on the Georgia Mountain Research and Education Center in Blairsville, Ga. CAES News
Advice for Georgia cattle producers
Georgia is locked in the grip of a severe drought. Most of the state’s pasture and hayfields are in poor to very poor conditions. Many livestock producers are struggling to feed their herds. In Tifton, Ga., June 20, University of Georgia specialists will discuss ways cattlemen can deal with drought.
Argentine ants feast on sugar in a kitchen canister. CAES News
Sugar ants not a sweet sight
As Georgia’s drought conditions worsen, you may notice unwanted guests invading your home, literally by the thousands.