News Stories - Page 443

This is a ornamental pepper plant, pulled off of Bugwood 11/12/09. CAES News
From nasty to poisonous
University of Georgia horticulturalist Paul Thomas can’t think of any common gift plants that are necessarily poisonous -- most of the poisonous plants are those cut for Christmas decorations. He can, however, think of one that will light a child’s or pet’s mouth on fire.
Pictured breaking ground at the UGA Tifton Campus AgrAbility Farm are (from left) Bennie Branch (KMC-Tifton), Karen Milchus (Georgia Tech), Charles Griffin (Ga. Pork Producers Association), Laura Jolly (UGA Family and Consumer Sciences dean), Don Mcgough (Ga. Farm Bureau), Joe West (UGA dean in Tifton) and Glen Rains (AgrAbility Georgia director, UGA Tifton). CAES News
AgrAbility Farm
Farmers with physical disabilities are often a little too self-reliant to ask for help or don't know where to find it. But help is out there. Soon, they’ll have an entire farm dedicated to equipment and training especially designed to help them farm more comfortably.
Photo of cooked turkey on a dinner table. CAES News
Traditional trimmings
Thoughts of Thanksgiving dinner most often turn to turkey. “Last year’s bird was so dry. Perhaps we should try frying it this year.” But, there’s more to a memorable holiday meal than just the meat in the middle. Many family traditions are found in the trimmings.
An early-maturing pecan variety called Pawnee is harvested in an orchard in Crisp County, Georgia. CAES News
Pecans 'on'
A pecan-loving disease enjoyed Georgia’s wet summer weather and is now blamed for cutting what was expected to be a large crop, says a University of Georgia pecan specialist. But farmers still expect to have an “on” year.
Pregnancy weight gain
A pregnant woman must eat and drink more than normal to ensure the proper growth and development of her baby. The amount of weight to gain during pregnancy depends on body weight before pregnancy.
Vendors set up at the Monticello Market Festival in the Square. CAES News
“It’s hard for rural merchants to compete with large chain stores in neighboring counties," said David Dyer of Monticello, who is interim head of the Georgia Agritourism Association. "So by having an attraction in a downtown area, not only do you build a sense of community, but it helps expand your market area.”
A bean plataspid crawls on the side of a home in northeast Georgia. CAES News
Kudzu-eating pest
Researchers from the University of Georgia and Dow AgroSciences have identified a kudzu-eating pest in northeast Georgia that has never been found in the Western Hemisphere. Unfortunately, the bug also eats legume crops, especially soybeans.
Buyer quits Ga. tobacco
In an industry slowly fading in Georgia, tobacco growers got a recent kick in the pants when their major purchaser announced it would no longer buy from them.
Visitors to University of Georgia building enthusiastically (and not so enthusiastically) learn about roaches at 32nd Sunbelt Agricultural Exposition Oct. 20 in Moultrie, Ga. CAES News
Sunbelt Expo
Visitors to the 32nd annual Sunbelt Agricultural Exposition learned about the latest agricultural equipment, technology and information firsthand Oct. 20-22. They also got to watch college deans go udder-to-udder in a milking contest and witness the unexpected birth of baby roaches.