News Stories - Page 188

Paloverde trees in bloom at the National Butterfly Center in Mission, Texas. CAES News
Mexican paloverde
The paloverde trees at the Coastal Botanical Gardens are completely covered in blossoms. The flowers have five yellow petals, but one petal has a honey gland and turns an orange-red, giving the blooms a distinctive bicolored look. The flowers are swarming with pollinators of all types.
Mitchell County 4-H members Madison Birdsong and Courtney Conine plant a citrus tree. CAES News
Citrus Trees
Citrus fruit cultivars recently released by University of Georgia scientist Wayne Hanna are part of a new citrus grove planted in Camilla, Georgia. The grove will serve as an education site and provide homegrown fruit for the inmates who will care for the grove. 
Kudzu bugs overwintering in bark. CAES News
Kudzu Bug Decline
Once a devastating presence in Georgia’s soybean fields and a major nuisance to homeowners, the kudzu bug population has diminished over the past three years.
Rainfall in Georgia during April was highly varied. Some southern parts of the state received 2-3 inches less rain than normal, while parts of north Georgia received as many as 4 inches above normal. CAES News
Record Highs
April brought plentiful spring showers to north Georgia but little rainfall to the southern half of the state, resulting in moderate drought conditions, delayed planting, and conditions conducive to wildfires near the Okefenokee Swamp.
Allen Moore, UGA Distinguished Research Professor and current head of the UGA Department of Genetics, will take over as associate dean for research in the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences on July 1, 2017. CAES News
CAES Research Dean
The University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences has tapped Allen Moore to lead the college's research efforts as the CAES associate dean for research.
University of Georgia Regents' Professor Michael R. Strand has received one of the highest honors a scientist can receive — election to the National Academy of Sciences. CAES News
National Academy of Sciences
University of Georgia Regents’ Professor Michael R. Strand has received one of the highest honors a scientist can receive — election to the National Academy of Sciences.
Chinch bugs. CAES News
Bug Camp
Tift County, Georgia, elementary school students who are buzzing with excitement to attend the University of Georgia Bug Camp are encouraged to apply. Registration for the camp ends this Friday, May 5.
CAES Associate Dean for Academic Affairs Josef Broder congratulates CAES graduate students, from left, Ashley Duxbury, Leilani Sumabat, Shan Gao and Cheng-Fang Hong for winning CAES 2017 Outstanding Teaching Awards. The awards recognize graduate students who have achieved excellence in the classroom. CAES News
Graduate Awards
The University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES) is home to more than 500 graduate students. They provide much of the muscle behind the college’s research and teaching accomplishments and serve as the linchpin in many of the college’s most productive laboratories.
The inaugural class of the Pike County High School STEM Academy at the University of Georgia Griffin Campus included (l-r) Talisa Watts, Megan Pitts, Nikki Dodson, Taylor Thomas, Abigail Chasteen, Dylan Blohm and Courtney Bagwell. CAES News
STEM Interns
Last summer, seven seniors from Pike County High School (PCHS) in Zebulon, Georgia, with an aptitude for science made a commitment to work alongside University of Georgia Griffin campus scientists three days a week for the entire school year. This month, they will complete their yearlong partnership.