News Stories - Page 249

UGArden Manager JoHannah Biang gives a tour to USDA undersecretary Kevin Concannon during his tour of Athens on July 22, 2015. CAES News
The staff at UGArden, the University of Georgia’s student-run farm on the Athens Campus, received a federal-sized pat on the back this week when Kevin Concannon, U.S. Department of Agriculture undersecretary for food, nutrition and consumer services, visited the farm and demonstration garden.
Green Jacket
Georgia 4-H’s annual Green Jacket Award goes to a public official who has shown exceptional support for Georgia’s young people. This year that honor went to Paul Wood, president and CEO of Georgia Electric Membership Corporation (EMC).
Cyberbullying Prevention
With more and more students connecting on social media via their phones and tablets, it can be more difficult than ever for parents to make sure their children are safe and making good decisions online.
Breanna Coursey is the academics counselor for the UGA Tifton Campus. CAES News
New Admissions Counselor
The new face in the academic programs office at the University of Georgia Tifton Campus is eyeing an expansion of the campus’ presence in Georgia.
Tim Coolong holds a bell pepper and tomato. Both vegetables, grown on the UGA Tifton Campus, show symptoms of blossom end rot. CAES News
Blossom End Rot
Georgia’s bell pepper farmers experienced a setback in production this spring. According to University of Georgia vegetable horticulturist Tim Coolong, some Georgia growers experienced losses of up to 25 percent due to blossom end rot — a calcium-related disorder.
J. Scott Angle, dean and director, UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. CAES News
Dean Angle
J. Scott Angle, who has served as dean and director of the University of Georgia’s College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences for the past decade, has announced that he will step down from his position to lead a global organization that works to alleviate hunger
Children driving and riding three- and four-wheeled vehicles is commonplace in many rural Georgia counties. Unfortunately, what may seem like innocent fun can lead to serious injuries and even death. One Georgia 4-H agent is taking a stand to educate children and parents in her county, hopefully saving lives in the process. CAES News
ATV Safety
Children driving and riding three- and four-wheeled vehicles is commonplace in many rural Georgia counties. Unfortunately, what may seem like innocent fun can lead to serious injuries and even death. One Georgia 4-H agent is taking a stand to educate children and parents in her county, hopefully saving lives in the process.
Race and Ethnicity
Never far from the surface, race relations have dominated headlines in recent months. News stories about protests in Ferguson and Baltimore, the Confederate battle flag and the shootings in Charleston, South Carolina, can cause children to ask questions that parents might not be ready to answer. However difficult or awkward these questions are, they are a starting point for important conversations about race.
Young children need 60 minutes of active playtime to ensure good health. CAES News
After School Recess
For most parents, fall is a whirlwind of after-school meetings, tight schedules, homework and dwindling family time. Even after the dash becomes daily routine, the hours between school and dinner often get lost in the shuffle. To rescue these important hours, assign your kids the task of hosting “after-school recess” during that time each day.