News Stories - Page 383

Andrew Jackson plays bingo with a resident at Heardmont Nursing Home CAES News
TAP program
Eleventh-grader Shaquille Sanders has a cure for boredom: Go play bingo at Heardmont Nursing Home.
Diana King hosts students in a virtual classroom. Students are able to access information they need to complete their graduate degree at times that work with their schedule. CAES News
Teaching technology
This semester, nearly 50 students are logging on and learning through an innovative program at the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. They are earning their UGA master’s degrees in agricultural leadership conveniently online.
Record corn yields
Without irrigation, there’d be no corn to harvest this year in Georgia. In this episode of “In the Field” Brad Haire speaks with Dr. Dewey Lee, grain agronomist with UGA Cooperative Extension, about Georgia's 2011 corn crop.
Fulton Fresh Mobile Farmer's Market van CAES News
Fulton fresh
University of Georgia Cooperative Extension agents in Fulton County are heading up an effort to deliver fresh produce to areas of the county considered “food deserts,” or areas with poor access to affordable, healthy food.
August weather
And the vicious cycle continued in August, which brought sparse rainfall and hot temperatures to Georgia for the seventh straight month, increasing drought across the state.
‘Orange Bulldog’ is an improved pumpkin variety developed by UGA scientists from germplasm collected in the jungles of South America. It has greater levels of resistance to viruses than conventional pumpkins. ‘Orange Bulldog’ made its debut in 2004 and has consistently produced yields of 13,000 to 20,000 pounds per acre in north and south Georgia. CAES News
Horticulture field day
University of Georgia horticulture experts will highlight the latest information on a range of topics from honeybee management to organic vegetable production at the Ornamental Horticulture Research Field Day Friday, Oct. 7 on the UGA Horticulture Farm in Watkinsville, Ga.
Japanese beetles dine on canna lily branches CAES News
Butterflies, bugs and beetles will invade the State Botanical Garden of Georgia Saturday, Sept. 24 in Athens, Ga., for the annual Insect-ival.
Allan Armitage guides visitors around the UGA Trial Gardens. CAES News
Trial garden party
Breathtakingly beautiful plants, smooth jazz music, delicious wine and delectable hors d’oeuvres are ingredients for a perfect evening. If you agree, add the University of Georgia Trial Gardens’ up-coming “An Evening in the Gardens” event to your calendar.
Soil moisture conditions in the southern half of the state are generally at the fifth percentile, meaning the soils at the end of May would be wetter 95 out of 100 years. CAES News
Transplants or seeds?
My soil is really dry. Do I still follow my soil test recommendations? And, should I plant transplants or seeds in my fall garden? Clarke County Extension agent Amanda Tedrow answers these questions.