News Stories - Page 385

Kudzu bugs hide behind a layer of tree bark in South Georgia. CAES News
Kudzu bug multiplies and spreads
Almost two years ago, a tiny immigrant pest arrived in Georgia, and there’s nothing the state’s immigration office can do to make it leave. The bean plataspid, or kudzu bug, munches on kudzu and soybeans and has now set up residence in four Southern states.
Debris litters the ground and a partial foundation is all that remains where a mobile home once stood in the unincorporated area of Rio in Spalding County, Ga. A tornado hit the area in the early hours of April 28, 2011. CAES News
Food Safety
When severe weather threatens, preparing before the storm hits can help you keep your food and water safe.
Mike Lacy, UGA poultry science department head, shows Farm Bureau president Zippy Duvall and committee members some of UGA's poultry flock housed on the Athens, Ga. campus. CAES News
Eat more chicken
The poultry industry in Georgia has grown steadily since the 1940s. Like all of agriculture, poultry has had its share of ups and downs. Right now, it’s facing a perfect storm created by high corn prices, escalated fuel prices and a down economy.
Roofs and walls were blown from masonary block cabins at Pirkle Campground in Spalding County, Ga., by a tornado that struck the area on May 28, 2011. CAES News
Hurricane resources
For information on how to prepare for severe weather, look into these resources.
Hurricane damage to vehicle and home CAES News
Stormy Weather
The probability of Georgia being directly hit by a hurricane in any given year is low. Regardless, Georgians should prepare just in case says the state’s climatologist.
Award Winner
University of Georgia researcher and Ph.D. student Micah Lewis was recently named the recipient of the 2011 George Washington Carver Award.
UGA Cooperative Extension unveils new web presence. CAES News
Extension website
Providing counties with help and science-based information is the core of University of Georgia Cooperative Extension’s mission. And now they’ve made it easier for Georgians to access instant information when office hours are over.
Fall webworms CAES News
Nasty web makers
Are you noticing webs in some of the trees throughout your landscape? I always get multiple calls during the late summer and early fall about webs in trees and worms crawling on everything. The fall webworm is the pest weaving these problems.
UGA MBA students chop down privet and other weedy shrubs at the Garnett Ridge Community Garden in Athens, Ga., on Aug. 9, 2011. MBA students start their first year off with a community service project. CAES News
Community gardens
Approximately 500 University of Georgia students recently walked into the two sections of professor David Berle’s introduction to horticulture course. Throughout the semester, they’ll be introduced to all things plants and learn how to serve the community they live in.