
Cultivar Information

Flower type = Self-fertile
Berry color = Black
Year introduced = 1985   
Variety protection = Unpatented


'Nesbitt' was released in 1985 by R. Goldy and W. Nesbitt of North Carolina State Univ. 'Nesbitt' was selected from the cross 'Fry' x 'Cowart' for its large berry size, resistance to ripe rot, and extended harvest period.


'Nesbitt' is one of our primary recommendations for home and pick your own uses. 'Nesbitt' ripens berries throughout the mid to late season harvest period. This trait is excellent for home and pick your own operations, as fruit is available for a long time. However, this same trait may make it difficult to use in commercial applications where a once or twice over harvest would be preferred.

'Nesbitt' has a healthy vine, and is relatively free from fruit rots. Flavor is excellent on fully ripened berries, but the skin is fairly tough.



Average Berry Quality in Tifton, GA Trials

Cultivar Berry weight (g) Berry diameter (mm) Soluble solids (%)
Nesbitt 10.1 25 13.4
Fry 12.7 27 15.3
Supreme 17.7 31 13.9

Cultivar Attributes in Tifton, GA Trials

Cultivar Vine vigor Leaf disease Berry rot % Full crop Harvest period Ripening % Dry scar
Nesbitt medium moderate slight 100% midseason/late very uneven 40%
Fry medium slight slight 70% midseason even 30%
Supreme medium slight none 90% midseason uneven 60%